168. On the meaning of “neoclassical economics”’, Journal of Economic Issues, forthcoming.
167. ‘Transactions and Legal Institutionalism: Part II – Contracts, Money, Applications’, Journal of Institutional Economics, forthcoming.
166. ‘Transactions and Legal Institutionalism: Part I – Six leading thinkers on transactions’, Journal of Institutional Economics, forthcoming.
160. ‘Discovering Institutionalism: One Person’s Journey’, Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology, Vol 41A, 2023, pp. 141-57.
158. ‘Culture and Institutions: A Review of Joel Mokyr’s A Culture of Growth’ (Review Article), Journal of Institutional Economics, 18(1), February 2022, pp. 159-68.
156. ‘On the Limits of Markets’, Journal of Institutional Economics, 17(1), February 2021, pp. 153-70.
155. ‘How Mythical Markets Mislead Analysis: An Institutionalist Critique of Market Universalism’, Socio-Economic Review, 18(4), October 2020, pp. 1153-1174.
154. ‘Austrian Economics is Still not Institutional Enough’, in Daniel J. D’Amico and Adam G. Martin (eds) (2019) Advances in Austrian Economics, Vol. 24, Assessing Austrian Economics
(Bingley: Emerald Publishing), pp. 101-11.
153. ‘Heterodox Economics as a Scientific Community : Problems, Prospects and Alternative Strategies’, History of Economic Ideas, 27(3), 2019, pp. 67-93.
151. ‘Prospects for Institutional Research’, RAUSP Management Journal, published online 2019.
2018150. (with Francesca Gagliardi and David Gindis) ‘
From Cambridge Keynesian to Institutional Economist: The Unnoticed Contributions of Robert Neild’,
Journal of Institutional Economics, 14(4), August 2018, pp. 767-86.
149. (With Chukwunonye Emenalo and Francesca Gagliardi) ‘Historical Institutional Determinants of Financial System Development in Africa’,
Journal of Institutional Economics, 14(2), April 2018, pp. 345-372.
148. (With Juha-Antti Lamberg) ‘The Past and Future of Evolutionary Economics: Some Reflections Based on New Bibliometric Evidence’,
Evolutionary and Institutional Economics Review, 15(1), 2018, pp. 167-187.
2017 147. (With Stephen Herman and Denise E. Dollimore) 'Adaptability and Survival in Small and Medium-Sized Firms', Industrial and Corporate Change, published online.
145. ‘Karl Polanyi on Economy and Society: A Critical Analysis of Core Concepts’,
Review of Social Economy, 75(1), March 2017, pp. 1-25.
144. (With Simon Deakin, David Gindis, Geoffrey M. Hodgson, Kainan Huang and Katharina Pistor) ‘Legal Institutionalism: Capitalism and the Constitutive Role of Law’,
Journal of Comparative Economics, 45(1), February, 188-200.
2016143. ‘Morality in an Evolutionary Perspective’,
Korean Journal of Public Choice, 4(1), 2016, pp. 59-75.
142. ‘Varieties of Capitalism: Some Philosophical and Historical Considerations’,
Cambridge Journal of Economics, 40(3), May, pp. 941-60.
141. ‘Some Limitations of the Socialist Calculation Debate’,
Schmollers Jarhbuch, 136, 2016, pp. 33-58.
140. ‘The Future of Work in the Twenty-First Century’,
Journal of Economic Issues, 50(1), March, pp. 197-216.
139. ‘Conceptualizing Capitalism – A Summary’,
Competition and Change, 20(1), 2016, pp. 37-52.
2015138. ‘Much of the “Economics of Property Rights” Devalues Property and Legal Rights’,
Journal of Institutional Economics, December 2015, 11(4), pp. 683-709.
137. ‘A Trojan Horse for Sociology? Preferences versus Evolution and Morality’,
Review of Behavioral Economics, 2(1-2), 2015, pp. 93-112.
2014136. ‘On Fuzzy Frontiers and Fragmented Foundations: Some Reflections on the Original and New Institutional Economics’,
Journal of Institutional Economics, 10(4), December 2014.
135. ‘What is Capital? Economists and Sociologists have Changed its Meaning – Should it be Changed Back?’
Cambridge Journal of Economics, 38(5), September 2014, pp. 1063-86.
134. ‘The Evolution of Morality and the End of Economic Man’,
Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 24, 2014, pp. 83-106.
2013133. ‘Observations on the Legal Theory of Finance’,
Journal of Comparative Economics, 44(2), May 2013, pp. 331-337.
132. ‘Come back Marshall, all is Forgiven? Complexity, Evolution, Mathematics and Marshallian Exceptionalism’,
European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 20(6), December 2013, pp. 957-81.
131. (With Kainan Huang) ‘
Brakes on Chinese Development: Institutional Causes of a Growth Slowdown’,
Journal of Economic Issues, 47(3), September 2013, pp. 599-622.
130. ‘On the Complexity of Economic Reality and the History of the use of Mathematics in Economics’,
Filosofía de la Economía, 1(1), Invierno 2013, pp. 125-148.
129. ‘Understanding Organizational Evolution: Toward a Research Agenda using Generalized Darwinism’,
Organization Studies, 34(7), July 2013.
2012128. ‘The Mirage of Microfoundations’,
Journal of Management Studies, 49(8), 2012, p. 1389-94.
127. 'On the Limits of Rational Choice Theory',
Economic Thought, 1(1), 2012. Published online.
126. (With Thorbjørn Knudsen) ‘Generalized Darwinism and Evolutionary Economics: From Ontology to Theory’,
Biological Theory, 6(4), 2012.
125. ‘Toward an Evolutionary and Moral Science: Remarks on Receiving the Veblen-Commons Award’,
Journal of Economic Issues, June 2012, 44(2), pp. 265-75.
124. (with Kainan Huang) ‘Evolutionary Economics and Evolutionary Game Theory: Are They Different Species?’,
Journal of Evolutionary
Economics, 2012, 22, pp. 345-66.
2011123. ‘Sickonomics: Diagnoses and Remedies’,
Review of Social Economy, September, 69(3), pp. 357-76.
122. ‘Reforming Economics after the Financial Crisis’,
Global Policy, 2(2), May, pp. 190-5.
121. ‘The Eclipse of the Uncertainty Concept in Mainstream Economics’,
Journal of Economic Issues, 45(1), March, pp. 159-79.
2010120. (With Thorbjørn Knudsen) ‘Generative Replication and the Evolution of Complexity’, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 75(1), July 2010, pp. 12-24.
119. ‘Learning From Early Attempts to Generalize Darwinian Principles to Social Evolution’,
Journal of Evolutionary Psychology, 8(2), June 2010, pp. 153-67.
118. ‘Darwinian Coevolution of Organizations and the Environment’,
Ecological Economics, 69(4), February 2010, pp. 700-6.
117. ‘Choice, Habit and Evolution’,
Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 20(1), January 2010, pp. 1-18.
2009116. ‘The Great Crash of 2008 and the Reform of Economics’,
Cambridge Journal of Economics, 33(6), November 2009, pp. 1205-21.
115. ‘Institutional Economics into the Twenty-First Century’,
Studi e Note di Economia, 24(1), 2009, pp. 3-26.
114. ‘Agency, Institutions, and Darwinism in Evolutionary Economic Geography’,
Economic Geography, 85(2), April 2009, pp. 167-73.
113. ‘On the Institutional Foundations of Law: The Insufficiency of Custom and Private Ordering’,
Journal of Economic Issues, 43(1), March 2009, pp. 143-66.
112. ‘Towards an Alternative Economics of Health Care’,
Health Economics, Policy and Law, 4(1), January 2009, pp. 99-114.
2008 111. (With Howard E. Aldrich, David L. Hull, Thorbjørn Knudsen, Joel Mokyr and Viktor J. Vanberg) ‘In Defence of Generalized Darwinism’,
Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 18(5), October 2008, pp. 577-96.
110. (With Thorbjørn Knudsen) ‘The Emergence of Property Rights Enforcement in Early Trade: A Behavioral Model Without Reputational Effects’,
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 68(1), 2008, pp. 48-62.
109. ‘How Veblen Generalized Darwinism’,
Journal of Economic Issues, 42(2), June 2008, pp. 399-405.
108. (With Thorbjørn Knudsen) ‘In Search of General Evolutionary Principles: Why Darwinism is Too Important to be Left to the Biologists’,
Journal of Bioeconomics, 10(1), April 2008, pp. 51-69.
107. ‘An Institutional and Evolutionary Perspective on Health Economics’,
Cambridge Journal of Economics, 32(2), March 2008, pp. 235-56.
106. ‘Prospects for Economic Sociology’ (review article),
Philosophy of the Social Sciences, 38(1), March 2008, pp. 133-49.
105. (With Thorbjørn Knudsen) ‘Information, Complexity and Generative Replication’,
Biology and Philosophy, 43(1), 2008, pp. 47-65.
2007104. (With Shuxia Jiang) ‘The Economics of Corruption and the Corruption of Economics: An Institutionalist Perspective’,
Journal of Economic Issues, 41(4), December 2007, pp. 1043-61. On the Social Science Research Network's top ten dowload list for Institutional and Transition Economics in 2008.
103. ‘Evolutionary and Institutional Economics as the New Mainstream?’,
Evolutionary and Institutional Economics Review, 4(1), September 2007, pp. 7-25.
102. ‘Taxonomizing the Relationship Between Biology and Economics: A Very Long Engagement’,
Journal of Bioeconomics, 9(2), August 2007, pp. 169-175.
101. ‘Meanings of Methodological Individualism’,
Journal of Economic Methodology, 14(2), June 2007, pp. 211-26.
100. ‘The Revival of Veblenian Institutional Economics’,
Journal of Economic Issues, 41(2), June 2007, pp. 325-40.
99. (With Thorbjørn Knudsen) ‘Firm-Specific Learning and the Nature of the Firm: Why Transaction Costs May Provide an Incomplete Explanation’,
Revue Économique, 58(2), mars 2007, pp. 331-50.
98. ‘Institutions and Individuals: Interaction and Evolution’,
Organization Studies, 28(1), January 2007, pp. 95-116.
97. (With Thorbjørn Knudsen) ‘The Nature and Units of Social Selection’,
Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 16(5), December 2006, pp. 477-89.
96. ‘Institutions, Recessions and Recovery in the Transitional Economies’,
Journal of Economic Issues, 40(4), December 2006, pp. 875-94.
95. ‘Instinct and Habit before Reason: Comparing the Views of John Dewey, Friedrich Hayek and Thorstein Veblen’,
Advances in Austrian Economics, 9, 2006, pp. 109-43.
94. (With Thorbjørn Knudsen) ‘Dismantling Lamarckism: Why Descriptions of Socio-Economic Evolution as Lamarckian are Misleading’,
Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 16(4), October 2006, pp. 343-66.
93. ‘Schmoller’s Impact on the Anglophone Literature in Economics’,
Schmollers Jahrbuch: Journal of Applied Social Science Studies, 126(2), 2006, pp. 163-76.
92. (With Thorbjørn Knudsen) ‘Why We Need a Generalized Darwinism: And Why a Generalized Darwinism is Not Enough’,
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 61(1), September 2006, pp. 1-19. Essential Science Indicators, Hot Paper Status, January 2008. One of the official “Top 20 most-cited articles” published in the
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization
2005 – 2009.
91. (With Thorbjørn Knudsen) ‘Balancing Inertia, Innovation, and Imitation in Complex Environments’,
Journal of Economic Issues, 40(2), June 2006, pp. 287-95.
90. (With Richard Carter) ‘The Impact of Empirical Tests of Transaction Cost Economics on the Debate on the Nature of the Firm’,
Strategic Management Journal, 27(5), May 2006, pp. 461-76.
89. ‘What Are Institutions?’,
Journal of Economic Issues, 40(1), March 2006, pp. 1-25.
88. ‘O Probleme formalisma v economicheskoi teorii (On the Problem of Formalism in Economics)’ (published in Russian),
Voprosy Economiki, 2006, no. 3, pp. 112-124.
87. ‘Generalizing Darwinism to Social Evolution: Some Early Attempts’,
Journal of Economic Issues, 39(4), December 2005, pp. 899-914.
86. ‘Knowledge at Work: Some Neoliberal Anachronisms’,
Review of Social Economy, 60(4), December 2005, pp. 547-65.
85. ‘Alfred Marshall versus the Historical School?’
Journal of Economic Studies, 32(4), 2005, pp. 331-48.
84. ‘The Limits to Participatory Planning: A Reply to Adaman and Devine’,
Economy and Society, 34(1), February 2005, pp. 141-53.
200483. ‘Austrian Economics, Evolutionary Psychology and Individual Actions’, in Koppl, Roger (ed.) (2004)
Evolutionary Psychology and Economic Theory: Advances in Austrian Economics, Volume 7
(Amsterdam: Elsevier), pp. 61-78.
82. ‘
Social Darwinism in Anglophone Academic Journals: A Contribution to the History of the Term’,
Journal of Historical Sociology, 17(4), December 2004, pp. 428-63.
81. ‘Veblen and Darwinism’,
International Review of Sociology, 14(3), November 2004, pp. 339-57.
80. ‘Reclaiming Habit for Institutional Economics’,
Journal of Economic Psychology, 25(4), October 2004, pp. 651-60.
79. (With Thorbjørn Knudsen) ‘The Firm as an Interactor: Firms as Vehicles for Habits and Routines’,
Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 14(3), July 2004, pp. 281-307.
78. ‘Darwinism, Causality and the Social Sciences’,
Journal of Economic Methodology, 11(2), June 2004, pp. 175-94.
77. ‘¿Los experimentos pueden falsear la teoría de la utilidad esperada?’,
Revista De Economía Institucional, 6, no. 10, primer semestre 2004, pp. 15-45.
76. ‘Veblen in Chicago: The Winds of Creativity’,
Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology, 22-A, 2004, pp. 145-60.
75. (With Thorbjørn Knudsen) ‘The Complex Evolution of a Simple Traffic Convention: The Functions and Implications of Habit’,
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 54(1), 2004, pp. 19-47.
74. ‘Opportunism is Not the Only Reason Why Firms Exist: Why an Explanatory Emphasis on Opportunism May Mislead Management Strategy’,
Industrial and Corporate Change, 13(2), April 2004, pp. 403-20.
73. ‘Some Claims Made for Critical Realism in Economics: Two Case Studies’,
Journal of Economic Methodology, 11(1), March 2004, pp. 71-91.
200372. ‘How Veblenian Evolutionary Thinking Transcends Methodological Individualism and Methodological Collectivism’,
Economie et institutions, 2003, No. 3, pp. 5-28.
71. ‘Schumpeter’s “Entrepreneur” in Historical Context’, in Koppl, Roger (ed.) (2003)
Austrian Economics and Entrepreneurial Studies: Advances in Austrian Economics, Volume 6
(Amsterdam: JAI Press), pp. 267-70.
70. ‘Institutions as Repositories of Knowledge: Some Milestones in the Evolution of an Idea’,
Économie appliquée, 56(3), September 2003, pp. 211-27.
69. ‘John R. Commons and the Foundations of Institutional Economics’,
Journal of Economic Issues, 37(3), September 2003, pp. 547-76.
68. ‘The Enforcement of Contracts and Property Rights: Constitutive versus Epiphenomenal Conceptions of Law’,
International Review of Sociology, 13(2), July 2003, pp. 373-89.
67. ‘Capitalism, Complexity, and Inequality’,
Journal of Economic Issues, 37(2), June 2003, pp. 471-8.
66. ‘The Mystery of the Routine: The Darwinian Destiny of An Evolutionary Theory of Economic Change’,
Revue Économique, 54(2), Mars 2003, pp. 355-84.
65. ‘The Hidden Persuaders: Institutions and Individuals in Economic Theory’,
Cambridge Journal of Economics, 27(2), March 2003, pp. 159-75.
64. ‘Darwinism and Institutional Economics’,
Journal of Economic Issues, 37(1), March 2003, pp. 85-97.
200263. ‘Darwinism in Economics: From Analogy to Ontology’,
Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 12(2), June 2002, pp. 259-81.
62. ‘The Evolution of Institutions: An Agenda for Future Theoretical Research’,
Constitutional Political Economy, 13(2), June 2002, pp. 111-27.
61. ‘The Legal Nature of the Firm and the Myth of the Firm-Market Hybrid’,
International Journal of the Economics of Business, 9(1), February 2002, pp. 37-60.
200160. ‘Darwin, Veblen and the Problem of Causality in Economics’,
History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences, 23(3/4), 2001, pp. 383-422.
59. ‘Frontiers of Institutional Economics’,
New Political Economy, 6(2), July 2001, pp. 245-9. ISSN 1356-3467.
200058. ‘The Concept of Emergence in Social Science: Its History and Importance’,
Emergence: A Journal of Complexity Issues in Organizations and Management, 2(4), 2000, pp. 65-77.
57. ‘What is the Essence of Institutional Economics?’,
Journal of Economic Issues, 34(2), June 2000, pp. 317-29.
56. ‘The Marketing of Wisdom: Resource-Advantage Theory’,
Journal of Macromarketing, 20(1), June 2000, pp. 68-72.
199955. (With Harry Rothman) ‘The Editors and Authors of Economics Journals: A Case of Institutional Oligopoly?’,
Economic Journal, 109(2), February 1999, pp. F165-86.
199854. ‘Institutions and the Viability of Macroeconomics: Some Perspectives on the Transformation Process in Post-Communist Economies’,
Journal of Institutional Innovation, Development and Transition, 2, 1998, pp. 5-18.
53. ‘Socialism Against Markets? A Critique of Two Recent Proposals’,
Economy and Society, 27(4), November 1998, pp. 450-76.
52. ‘On the Evolution of Thorstein Veblen’s Evolutionary Economics’,
Cambridge Journal of Economics, 22(3), July 1998, pp. 415-31.
51. ‘Competence and Contract in the Theory of the Firm’,
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 35(2), April 1998, pp. 179-201.
50. ‘The Approach of Institutional Economics’,
Journal of Economic Literature, 36(1), March 1998, pp. 166-92.
49. ‘Evolutionary and Competence-Based Theories of the Firm’,
Journal of Economic Studies, 25(1), 1998, pp. 25-56.
48. ‘The Evolution of Capitalism from the Perspective of Institutional and Evolutionary Economics’ (in Japanese),
The Keizai Seminar, no. 516, January 1998, pp. 64-72.
199747. ‘Economics and the Return to Mecca: The Recognition of Novelty and Emergence’,
Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 8, 1997, pp. 399-412.
46. ‘What Lies Beyond Capitalism?’ (review article),
International Review of Applied Economics, 11(3), 1997, pp. 491-5.
45. ‘The Ubiquity of Habits and Rules’,
Cambridge Journal of Economics, 21(6), November 1997, pp. 663-84.
44. ‘The Evolutionary and Non-Darwinian Economics of Joseph Schumpeter’,
Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 7(2),June 1997, pp. 131-45.
199643. ‘The Challenge of Evolutionary Economics’,
Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 152(4), 1996, pp. 697-706.
42. ‘An Evolutionary Theory of Long-Term Economic Growth’,
International Studies Quarterly, 40, 1996, pp. 393-410.
41. ‘Varieties of Capitalism and Varieties of Economic Theory’,
Review of International Political Economy, 3(3), Autumn 1996, pp. 381-434.
199540. ‘The Evolution of Evolutionary Economics’ (review article),
Scottish Journal of Political Economy, 42(4), November 1995, pp. 469-88.
39. ‘The Political Economy of Utopia’,
Review of Social Economy, 53(2), Summer 1995, pp. 195-213.
38. ‘Varieties of Capitalism from the Perspectives of Veblen and Marx’,
Journal of Economic Issues, 29(2), June 1995, pp. 575-84.
199437. ‘The State, Money, and Spontaneous Order’ (a review essay on S. Horwitz, Monetary Evolution, Free Banking, and Economic Order),
Critical Review, 8(4), Fall 1994, pp. 579-89.
36. ‘The Evolution of Socio-Economic Order in the Move to a Market Economy’,
Review of International Political Economy, 1(3), Autumn, 1994, pp. 387-404.
35. ‘Optimisation and Evolution: Winter’s Critique of Friedman Revisited’,
Cambridge Journal of Economics, 18(4), August 1994, pp. 413-30.
34. ‘Some Remarks on “Economic Imperialism” and International Political Economy’,
Review of International Political Economy, 1(1), Spring 1994, pp. 21-8.
199333. ‘Why the Problem of Reductionism in Biology has Implications for Economics’,
World Futures, 37(2-3), 1993, pp. 69-90.
32. ‘Theories of Economic Evolution: A Preliminary Taxonomy’,
The Manchester School of Economic and Social Studies, 61(2), June 1993, pp. 125-43.
31. ‘The Economy as An Organism - Not a Machine’,
Futures, 25(4), May 1993, pp. 392-403.
30. ‘The Mecca of Alfred Marshall’,
Economic Journal, 103(2), March 1993, pp. 406-15.
29. ‘Institutional Economics: Surveying the “Old” and the “New”‘,
Metroeconomica, 44(1), February 1993, pp. 1-28.
199228. ‘Marx, Engels, and Economic Evolution’, International Journal of Social Economics, 19, 1992, pp. 121-8.
27. ‘Carl Menger’s Theory of the Evolution of Money: Some Problems’,
Review of Political Economy, 4(4), October 1992, pp. 396-412.
26. ‘Thorstein Veblen and Post-Darwinian Economics’,
Cambridge Journal of Economics, 16(3), September 1992, pp. 285-301.
25. ‘The Reconstruction of Economics: Is There Still a Place for Neoclassical Theory?’,
Journal of Economic Issues, 26(3), September 1992, pp 749-67.
199124. ‘Economic Evolution: Intervention Contra Pangloss’,
Journal of Economic Issues, 25(2), June 1991, pp. 519-33.
23. ‘Hayek’s Theory of Cultural Evolution: An Evaluation in the Light of Vanberg’s Critique’,
Economics and Philosophy, 7(1), April 1991, pp. 67-82.
198922. ‘
Economic Theory: The Old Versus the New’,
Review of Political Economy, November 1989.
21. (With Derek C. Jones) ‘Codetermination: A Partial Review of Theory and Evidence’,
Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, 1989.
20. ‘Institutional Rigidities and Economic Growth’,
Cambridge Journal of Economics, 13(1), March 1989, pp. 79-101.
198719. ‘Economic Pluralism and Self-Management’, in D. C. Jones and J. Svejnar (eds),
Advances in the Economic Analysis of Participatory and Labour Managed Firms, Vol. 2, 1987.
18. ‘Economics and Systems Theory’,
Journal of Economic Studies, 14(4), 1987.
198617. ‘Behind Methodological Individualism’,
Cambridge Journal of Economics, 10(3), September 1986.
198516. ‘The Rationalist Conception of Action’,
Journal of Economic Issues, 19(4), December 1985.
198215. ‘Worker Participation and Macroeconomic Efficiency’,
Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, Winter 1982-83.
14. ‘Theoretical and Policy Implications of Variable Productivity’,
Cambridge Journal of Economics, 6(3), September 1982.
13. ‘Marx Without the Labour Theory of Value’,
Review of Radical Political Economics, Summer 1982.
12. ‘On the Political Economy of the Socialist Transformation’,
New Left Review, No. 133, May-June 1982.
198111. ‘Money and the Sraffa System’,
Australian Economic Papers, June 1981.
10. ‘On Exploitation and Labor-Value’,
Science and Society, Summer 1981.
1980 9. ‘A Theory of Exploitation Without the Labour Theory of Value’, Science and Society, Fall 1980.
1978 8. ‘Om Grundlaget for en Teori om Kapitalistic Udbytning’,
Nordisk Tidskrift for Politisk Ekonomi (Nordic Review of Political Economy), No. 6, 1978.
1977 7. ‘Papering Over the Cracks: Comments on Fine and Harris’ Survey of the Current Controversy within Marxian Economics’,
Socialist Register, 1977.
6. ‘Sraffa, Value and Distribution’,
British Review of Economic Issues, No.1, November 1977.
5. (With I. Steedman) ‘Depreciation of Machines of Changing Efficiency: A Note’,
Australian Economic Papers, June 1977.
1976 4. ‘Exploitation and Embodied Labour Time’,
Bulletin of the Conference of Socialist Economists, March 1976.
1975 3. ‘Fixed Capital and Value Analysis’ (with I. Steedman),
Bulletin of the Conference of Socialist Economists, June 1975.
1974 2. ‘Marxian Epistemology and the Transformation Problem’,
Economy and Society, November 1974.
1. ‘The Theory of the Falling Rate of Profit’,
New Left Review, No. 84, March-April 1974.