From Marx to Markets

From Marx to Markets:
An Intellectual Odyssey

Geoffrey M. Hodgson

To be published in 2025
Edward Elgar Publishing

This is an account of my intellectual evolution. It traces some important threads in my thinking, and the circumstances that affected them. I have changed my mind on several things. But hopefully, I have learned something useful. It is a quest, since my birth in 1946, to understand a complex and rapidly evolving world. Along this journey, I have changed my mind on several things, but not on the importance of building a better system, wherein all people can freely develop and flourish, and with full respect for human rights. What has changed, is my view on how best those improvements can be realized. 


            Part I: Histories
1. Science and the Cold War
2. Revolution and youth
3. Crises in theory and in reality
4. A road less travelled
5. Britain under the Iron Lady
6. Rummaging the attic of past ideas
           Part II: Themes
7. The nature and importance of definitions
8. The future of evolutionary economics
9. The development of institutional analysis
10. After the Great Crash: socialism versus liberal solidarity
11. Building an economics for a better world
 List of works partly or wholly by Geoffrey M. Hodgson
 Other references
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