55. (With Simon Deakin and David Gindis) ‘A Further Reply to Jean-Philippe Robé on the Firm’, Journal of Institutional Economics, 18(4), August 2022, pp. 703-6.
54. (With Simon Deakin and David Gindis) ‘What is a Firm? A Reply to Jean-Philippe Robé’, Journal of Institutional Economics, 17(5), October 2021, pp. 865-875.
53. ‘Debating the Future of Heterodox Economics’, Journal of Economic Issues, 55(3), September 2021, pp. 603-14.
52. (with Paolo Silvestri) ‘Liberal Solidarity: A Conversation’, Journal of Economic Issues, 55(3), September 2021, pp. 855-69.
51. ‘Editorial Introduction to “Collectivist Planning” by Michael Polanyi’, Journal of Institutional Economics, 15(4), December 2019, pp. 1055-61. DOI: 10.1017/S1744137419000377.
48. Foreword to Anna Ząbkowicz, Maciej Miszewski, Paweł Chmielnicki, Sławomir Czech (eds) Zrozumieć kapitalizm: Podejście instytucjonalno-ewolucyjne (Understanding Capitalism: The Institutionalist-Evolutionary Approach), (Sosnowiec-Kraków, Poland: Forum for Institutional Thought, 2018), pp. 9-15.
47. ‘Introduction to the Douglass C. North Memorial Issue’, Journal of Institutional Economics, 13(1), March 2017, pp. 1-23.
46. ‘What Humpty Dumpty Might Have Said About Property Rights – And the Need to Put Them Back Together Again: A Response to Critics’, Journal of Institutional Economics, 11(4), December 2015, pp. 731-747.
45. ‘On Defining Institutions: Rules versus Equilibria’,
Journal of Institutional Economics, 11(3), September 2015, pp. 499-505.
44. (With Claude Ménard, Mary Shirley and Ning Wang) ‘Introduction to the Ronald H. Coase Memorial Issue’, Journal of Institutional Economics, 11(2), June 2015, pp. 213-19.
201443. (With J. W. Stoelhorst) ‘Introduction to the Special Issue on the Future of Institutional and evolutionary Economics’,
Journal of Institutional Economics, 10(4), December 2014, pp. 513-40.
42. (With Denise Dollimore) ‘Four Essays on Economic Evolution: An Introduction’, Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 24, 2014, pp. 1-10.
201341. ‘Clarifying Generalized Darwinism: A reply to Scholz and Reydon’,
Organization Studies, 34(7), July.
40. ‘The Enduring Relevance of Darwin’s Theory of Morality’,
BioScience, 63(7), July, pp. 513-14.
39. ‘Sex on the Brain: Some Comments on “Love, War and Cultures: An Institutional Approach to Human Evolution”’,
Journal of Bioeconomics, 15(1), 2013, pp. 91-95.
38. ‘Editorial Introduction to “Ownership” by A, M. Honoré’,
Journal of Institutional Economics, 9(2), June 2013, pp. 223-6.
201237. ‘From Social Theory to Explaining Sickonomics: A Response to Dimitris Milonakis and Ben Fine’,
Review of Social Economy, 70(4). December, pp. 492-507.
36. (With Thorbjørn Knudsen) ‘Underqualified - Maximal Generality in Darwinian Explanation: A Response to Matt Gers’,
Biology and Philosophy, 2012, 27(4), pp. 607-14.
35. (With Thorbjørn Knudsen) ‘Please May we Join the Veblen Club? – A Response to John Hall’,
Journal of Economic Issues, 46(1), March 2012, pp. 241-2.
34. (With Thorbjørn Knudsen) ‘Agreeing on Generalised Darwinism: A Response to Pavel Pelikan’,
Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 22(1), 2012, pp. 9-18.
201133. (With Mark Blyth, Orion Lewis, and Sven Steinmo, ‘Introduction to the Special Issue on the Evolution of Institutions’,
Journal of Institutional Economics¸ 7(3), September 2011, pp. 299-315.
32. (With Thorbjørn Knudsen) ‘Poverty of stimulus and absence of cause: some questions for Felin and Foss’,
Journal of Institutional Economics¸ 7(2), June 2011, pp. 295-8.
200931. Introduction and annotations to 'The Limitations of Marginal Utility' by Thorstein Veblen, Journal of Institutional Economics, 5(3), December 2009, pp. 379-97.
30. Editorial introduction to ‘Marx To-Day: Capitalism and Socialism’ by John R. Commons,
Journal of Institutional Economics, 5(1), April 2009, pp. 117-36. ISSN 1744-1374.
200828. ‘After 1929 Economics Changed: Will Economists Wake up in 2009?’
Real-World Economics Review, no. 48, 6 December 2008, pp. 273-8.
28. Editorial introduction to W. Jethro Brown, ‘The Personality of the Corporation and the State’,
Journal of Institutional Economics, 4(2), August 2008, pp. 255-73. ISSN 1744-1374.
27. Editorial introduction to ‘Capital’ by Frank A. Fetter,
Journal of Institutional Economics, 4(1), April 2008, pp. 127-37. ISSN 1744-1374.
26. (With Ian Gough, Garry Runciman, Ruth Mace and Michael Rustin) ‘Darwinian Evolutionary Theory and the Social Sciences’,
21st Century Society, 3(1), February 2008, pp. 65-86.
200725. An Interview with Oliver Williamson,
Journal of Institutional Economics, 3(3), December 2007, pp. 373-86. ISSN 1744-1374.
24. Hodgson, G. 2007. ‘¿Desconocemos los hechos cuando son inconvenientes? Respuesta al profesor Gorbaneff’ (‘Do we ignore the facts if they are inconvenient? A reply to Professor Gorbaneff’),
Revista de Economía Institucional, 9, no. 16, pp. 329-332.
23. (With Thorbjørn Knudsen) ‘Evolutionary Theorizing Beyond Lamarckism: A Reply to Richard Nelson’,
Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 17(3), June 2007, pp. 353-9.
22. Editorial introduction to ‘The Impossibility of Social Democracy’ by Albert E. F. Schäffle,
Journal of Institutional Economics, 3(1), April 2007, pp. 113-25.
21. ‘A Response to Christian Cordes and Clifford Poirot’,
Journal of Economic Issues, 41(1), March 2007, pp. 265-76.
20. ‘Rationality versus Program-Based Behavior’,
Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 30(1), February 2007, pp. 29-30.
200619. (With Thorbjørn Knudsen), ‘Cultural Evolution is More than Neurological Evolution’,
Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 29(4), August 2006, pp. 356-7.
18. Editorial introduction to ‘Economic Theory and Economic History’, by Werner Sombart,
Journal of Institutional Economics, 2(1), April 2006, pp. 109-12.
17. 'Characterizing Institutional and Heterodox Economics - A Reply to Tony Lawson',
Evolutionary and Institutional Economics Review, 2(2), March 2006, pp. 213-33.
200516. Editorial introduction to ‘Institution’, by Walton H. Hamilton,
Journal of Institutional Economics, 1(2), December 2005, pp. 233-5.
15. Editorial for first issue of
Journal of Institutional Economics, 1(1), June 2005, pp. i-ii.
14. Editorial introduction to ‘The Present Position in Economics’, by Alfred Marshall,
Journal of Institutional Economics, 1(1), June 2005, pp. 121-4.
200413. ‘Welcoming the Evolutionary and Institutional Economics Review’,
Evolutionary and Institutional Economics Review, 1(1), November 2004, pp. 3-4.
12. ‘Hayekian Evolution Reconsidered: A Response to Caldwell’,
Cambridge Journal of Economics, 28(2), March 2004, pp. 291-300.
11. ‘A Comment on the Paper by Joseph Henrich’,
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 53(1), January 2004, pp. 81-4.
200210. ‘Visions of Mainstream Economics: A Response to Richard Nelson and Jack Vromen’,
Review of Social Economy, 60(1), March 2002, pp. 125-33.
9. ‘Capitalism, Employment, and Complexity: With Further Critical Comments on Another Hodgson’,
Journal of Economic Issues, 36(1), March 2002, pp. 190-6.
19998. ‘A Brief Response to Jürgen Lange-von Kulessa’,
Journal of Economic Methodology, 6(3), 1999.
19987. ‘A Reply to Howard Sherman’,
Review of Social Economy, 56(3), Fall 1998, pp. 295-306.
19976. ‘Ernest Mandel: 1923-1995’,
Economic Journal, 107(1), January 1997, pp. 159-64.
19965. ‘Some Responses to Jennings and Waller’,
Journal of Economic Issues, 30(4), December 1996, pp. 1163-8.
4. ‘Land, Learning and the Nature of Spatiality’,
Environment and Planning A, 28(11), November 1996, pp. 1940-42.
19953. ‘Economics and Evolution: A Reply to Lawrence Moss’,
Marshall Studies Bulletin, 5, 1995, pp. 41-50.
19932. ‘A Response to Robert E. Lane’,
Journal of Economic Issues, September 1993.
19881. ‘On Informational Reductionism: A Reply to Kay’,
Journal of Economic Issues, March 1988.
Notes and Comments
43. (With J. W. Stoelhorst) ‘Introduction to the Special Issue on the Future of Institutional and evolutionary Economics’, Journal of Institutional Economics, 10(4), December 2014, pp. 513-40.
42. (With Denise Dollimore) ‘Four Essays on Economic Evolution: An Introduction’, Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 24, 2014, pp. 1-10.
41. ‘Clarifying Generalized Darwinism: A reply to Scholz and Reydon’, Organization Studies, 34(7), July.
40. ‘The Enduring Relevance of Darwin’s Theory of Morality’, BioScience, 63(7), July, pp. 513-14.
39. ‘Sex on the Brain: Some Comments on “Love, War and Cultures: An Institutional Approach to Human Evolution”’, Journal of Bioeconomics, 15(1), 2013, pp. 91-95.
38. ‘Editorial Introduction to “Ownership” by A, M. Honoré’, Journal of Institutional Economics, 9(2), June 2013, pp. 223-6.
37. ‘From Social Theory to Explaining Sickonomics: A Response to Dimitris Milonakis and Ben Fine’, Review of Social Economy, 70(4). December, pp. 492-507.
36. (With Thorbjørn Knudsen) ‘Underqualified - Maximal Generality in Darwinian Explanation: A Response to Matt Gers’, Biology and Philosophy, 2012, 27(4), pp. 607-14.
35. (With Thorbjørn Knudsen) ‘Please May we Join the Veblen Club? – A Response to John Hall’, Journal of Economic Issues, 46(1), March 2012, pp. 241-2.
34. (With Thorbjørn Knudsen) ‘Agreeing on Generalised Darwinism: A Response to Pavel Pelikan’, Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 22(1), 2012, pp. 9-18.
33. (With Mark Blyth, Orion Lewis, and Sven Steinmo, ‘Introduction to the Special Issue on the Evolution of Institutions’, Journal of Institutional Economics¸ 7(3), September 2011, pp. 299-315.
32. (With Thorbjørn Knudsen) ‘Poverty of stimulus and absence of cause: some questions for Felin and Foss’, Journal of Institutional Economics¸ 7(2), June 2011, pp. 295-8.
31. Introduction and annotations to 'The Limitations of Marginal Utility' by Thorstein Veblen, Journal of Institutional Economics, 5(3), December 2009, pp. 379-97.
30. Editorial introduction to ‘Marx To-Day: Capitalism and Socialism’ by John R. Commons, Journal of Institutional Economics, 5(1), April 2009, pp. 117-36. ISSN 1744-1374.
28. ‘After 1929 Economics Changed: Will Economists Wake up in 2009?’ Real-World Economics Review, no. 48, 6 December 2008, pp. 273-8.
28. Editorial introduction to W. Jethro Brown, ‘The Personality of the Corporation and the State’, Journal of Institutional Economics, 4(2), August 2008, pp. 255-73. ISSN 1744-1374.
27. Editorial introduction to ‘Capital’ by Frank A. Fetter, Journal of Institutional Economics, 4(1), April 2008, pp. 127-37. ISSN 1744-1374.
26. (With Ian Gough, Garry Runciman, Ruth Mace and Michael Rustin) ‘Darwinian Evolutionary Theory and the Social Sciences’, 21st Century Society, 3(1), February 2008, pp. 65-86.
25. An Interview with Oliver Williamson, Journal of Institutional Economics, 3(3), December 2007, pp. 373-86. ISSN 1744-1374.
24. Hodgson, G. 2007. ‘¿Desconocemos los hechos cuando son inconvenientes? Respuesta al profesor Gorbaneff’ (‘Do we ignore the facts if they are inconvenient? A reply to Professor Gorbaneff’), Revista de Economía Institucional, 9, no. 16, pp. 329-332.
23. (With Thorbjørn Knudsen) ‘Evolutionary Theorizing Beyond Lamarckism: A Reply to Richard Nelson’, Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 17(3), June 2007, pp. 353-9.
22. Editorial introduction to ‘The Impossibility of Social Democracy’ by Albert E. F. Schäffle, Journal of Institutional Economics, 3(1), April 2007, pp. 113-25.
21. ‘A Response to Christian Cordes and Clifford Poirot’, Journal of Economic Issues, 41(1), March 2007, pp. 265-76.
20. ‘Rationality versus Program-Based Behavior’, Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 30(1), February 2007, pp. 29-30.
19. (With Thorbjørn Knudsen), ‘Cultural Evolution is More than Neurological Evolution’, Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 29(4), August 2006, pp. 356-7.
18. Editorial introduction to ‘Economic Theory and Economic History’, by Werner Sombart, Journal of Institutional Economics, 2(1), April 2006, pp. 109-12.
17. 'Characterizing Institutional and Heterodox Economics - A Reply to Tony Lawson', Evolutionary and Institutional Economics Review, 2(2), March 2006, pp. 213-33.
16. Editorial introduction to ‘Institution’, by Walton H. Hamilton, Journal of Institutional Economics, 1(2), December 2005, pp. 233-5.
15. Editorial for first issue of Journal of Institutional Economics, 1(1), June 2005, pp. i-ii.
14. Editorial introduction to ‘The Present Position in Economics’, by Alfred Marshall, Journal of Institutional Economics, 1(1), June 2005, pp. 121-4.
13. ‘Welcoming the Evolutionary and Institutional Economics Review’, Evolutionary and Institutional Economics Review, 1(1), November 2004, pp. 3-4.
12. ‘Hayekian Evolution Reconsidered: A Response to Caldwell’, Cambridge Journal of Economics, 28(2), March 2004, pp. 291-300.
11. ‘A Comment on the Paper by Joseph Henrich’, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 53(1), January 2004, pp. 81-4.
10. ‘Visions of Mainstream Economics: A Response to Richard Nelson and Jack Vromen’, Review of Social Economy, 60(1), March 2002, pp. 125-33.
9. ‘Capitalism, Employment, and Complexity: With Further Critical Comments on Another Hodgson’, Journal of Economic Issues, 36(1), March 2002, pp. 190-6.
8. ‘A Brief Response to Jürgen Lange-von Kulessa’, Journal of Economic Methodology, 6(3), 1999.
7. ‘A Reply to Howard Sherman’, Review of Social Economy, 56(3), Fall 1998, pp. 295-306.
6. ‘Ernest Mandel: 1923-1995’, Economic Journal, 107(1), January 1997, pp. 159-64.
5. ‘Some Responses to Jennings and Waller’, Journal of Economic Issues, 30(4), December 1996, pp. 1163-8.
4. ‘Land, Learning and the Nature of Spatiality’, Environment and Planning A, 28(11), November 1996, pp. 1940-42.
3. ‘Economics and Evolution: A Reply to Lawrence Moss’, Marshall Studies Bulletin, 5, 1995, pp. 41-50.
2. ‘A Response to Robert E. Lane’, Journal of Economic Issues, September 1993.
1. ‘On Informational Reductionism: A Reply to Kay’, Journal of Economic Issues, March 1988.