
Blogs & Short Pieces



Review of Deirdre N. McCloskey "Liberalism Caused the Great Enrichment", Qeios, 2023.




2019 - My New Politics blog

2019 - Other Short Pieces

2018 - My New Politics blog

Education is not a public good
Socialism has invaded the moral high ground
The mysterious socialism of Bernie Sanders
200 years of Karl Marx
Lenin was a neoliberal - and other jokes
Brexit, nationalism and Empire
Liberal solidarity and the seven dimensions of liberalism
Neoliberalism versus liberal solidarity
The socialist algorithm
Remembering Norman Geras

2018 - Other Short Pieces

What the world can learn about equality from the Nordic model
2017 - My New Politics blog

The Liberal-Labour dialectic
Our resurgent enemy: authoritarian nationalism trumps neoliberalism
Blindly following “the will of the people” is lazy and unprincipled
Christianity and Islam: texts and contexts
Is Marxism right-wing?
What might have happened if Tony Blair had introduced electoral reform?
Neoliberalism and fascism
When I tried to rewrite Labour’s Clause Four
Tories and Labour: the new-old economic nationalists
Socialism and Individualism: Two different cars driving off the same Brexit cliff
From Russia to Venezuela: a century of useful idiocy
Marxism, neoliberalism and the roots of dictatorship
Whither socialism? - Some lessons from the past
My long journey from socialism to liberalism
The politics of Ken Loach: Some questions for Labour
The Levellers were liberal democrats - not socialists

2017 - Other Short Pieces

How the politics of the Left lost its way
Globalisation won't do away with variations in capitalism
1688 and All That - A Summary

2016 - My New Politics blog

Introducing my New Politics blog
Jeremy Corbyn is no interloper - He is part of Labour's DNA
The broken language of 'Left' and 'Right'
Corbyn, Brexit and the impossibility of democratic absolutism
The terminators: Have Tony Blair and Jeremy Corbyn destroyed the Labour Party?
Let us rebuild the house of the Left: Labour and the Liberal Democrats
The essential role of private enterprise in a modern economy
Reducing inequality – within capitalism
On Jeremy Corbyn’s ‘obvious’ socialism
When Labour fights Trotskyist entryism it has two hands tied behind its back
The perils of Corbynista populism
The muddled mystique of Karl Polanyi
Property: When Ludwig von Mises got into bed with Karl Marx
Agoraphobics blame neoliberalism for Trump
On the causes of Brexit and Trumpageddon
Immigration, assimilation and religion: failures of the Left

2016 - Other Short Pieces

Should Davos delegates live in fear of the ‘Fourth Industrial Revolution’?
Utility maximization is an unfalsifiable and inadequate explanation of human behavior
Economists forgot Smith and Darwin's message: Society cannot function without moral bonds
How capitalism actually generates more inequality
How would Jeremy Corbyn’s socialism actually work?
Imagine economics as an evolutionary science

Six reasons why China's economy is weaker than you think


The European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy after 25 years
Piketty has redefined capital, after 200 years of confusion


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